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Healing Power of Gems...

Posted on Nov 10th, 2024 Posted by SadhGuru Anand in Category 1, Category 2

All stones and gems have magnetic powers to heal. The vibrations and frequencies they emit influence human beings in a very powerful way. They create strong energy fields that are absorbed by the body. The Puranas also state that gems were created from the seven different kinds of rays of light emanating from the seven major planets of our solar system. These rays were transmitted in the seven colours of the rainbow: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. These seven rays of light are responsible for all the cosmic existence in the cosmos, including the human body.

Colours are the frequencies of light in different bands and, therefore, they emit energy in different forms that directly influence the human body and consciousness..Colours heal because of certain molecular reactions that occur in the organs due to light. Gems if chosen scientifically provide radiation, which are beneficial for the body. Our body is generated by seven major chakras.Our body heals when white light flows harmoniously through these chakras. Problems arise when there are obstructions to this light entering a chakra. Gems emanate the rays needed by each chakra and radiate a light that goes to revitalise those cells that are not functioning properly. Similarly each gem radiates a colour that goes to heal the aura that encircles each human being. The aura exists in seven states which are the physical-etheric, the astral, the lower mental, the higher mental, the spiritual causal, the intuitive and the divine or absolute plane. From ancient times, Indian spiritual philosophy has been asserting that there is an Aura around every person.

And in the recent years, scientists have claimed to prove this theory. According to their claim, they are able to take pictures of the Aura around every person. This Aura consists of electromagnetic radiations including Microwaves, Infrared and Ultraviolet radiations. When Sun rays passed through these gems when worn on a particular finger its colour is transmitted in our body.These rays emanated by gems with their energy add comfort and serenity to our lives and create harmony both in the body as well as our aura. The result is that we gain positive results in every aspect of life: wealth, power, health and fame. Each gem is a perennial source of a particular ray. These rays never become exhausted, even after years of use. Gemstones are beyond any doubt one of the most powerful devices used for Remedies in Astrology. Gems should be used only after consulting the astrologer or a gem therapist. Improper use of gemstones can short-circuit magnetic fields of the subtle body and can result in severe physical debility in certain cases.

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Remedies are nothing but logical, esoteric or psychic treatments which reduce or abolish the effect of our past unfavourable karma. Our Destiny is formed by our before karmic efforts. Remedies affect performing something or resisting from performing something; this effort or inactivity is karma in itself! So when one attempts to do some treatment, he is actually is undertaking to invalidate some terrible karma of the history. When he does cures for bolstering the unstable benefic planets, he is virtually increasing their convincingness by doing some more promising karma. Our future is decided by our karma; we can utilize our free will to carry the therapeutic extents.


Birth charts offer more than predictions—they provide a pathway to self-awareness. By examining planetary aspects and interactions, you can:

  • Recognize personal strengths
  • Understand potential challenges
  • Gain deeper self-acceptance

The goal is not to limit yourself, but to foster personal growth and understanding through cosmic reflection.

Medical Astrology

Medical astrology viewed diseases as manifestations of planetary energies, using a complex system of interpretation based on celestial observations. While modern medicine does not support these claims, the practice was widely used in historical medical systems.