The Guru Gita (verse 17) aptly describes the guru as “dispeller of darkness” (from gu, “darkness” and ru, “that which dispels”). A true, God-illumined guru is one who, in his attainment of self-mastery, has realized his identity with the omnipresent Spirit. Such a one is uniquely qualified to lead the seeker on his or her inward journey toward perfection.
“The blind cannot lead the blind,” said Paramahansaji. “Only a master, one who knows God, may rightly teach others about Him. To regain one’s divinity one must have such a master or guru. He who faithfully follows a true guru becomes like him, for the guru helps to elevate the disciple to his own level of realization.”
The guru-disciple relationship is the highest expression of friendship, for it is based on unconditional divine love and wisdom. It is the loftiest and most sacred of all relationships..
Guru is direct connection and communication with Supreme Self (GOD). Diksha has your reception. You are more important because you have belief and receptive energy. A touch of master will clean you. If you are ready then Diksha is for your life safety. Guru Diksha is for your life security and this Diksha is your promising to open the heart. Your heart is a doorway to God. The words of the guru, the sacred mantra given by Guru creates kavacha (shield). It armours you with divine power around your body and mind. Guru brings a new life. It is a new birth. Your body is not same body which you have. Your body can become divine. From the day of Diksha you become a great pilgrimage of yourself.
When guru gives diksha a flow of energy takes place from him to disciple, which can be in any form- : Diksha by a ritual or SAMAYA-DIKSHA; SPARSHA-DIKSHA is an initiation by touch and is done without a ritual; VAAK-DIKSHA is done by word or mantra; SAMBHAVI-DIKSHA is arising from perception of external appearance of the guru; MANO DIKSHA is when initiation is performed in the mind.But Sadhguru is not limited to these means only, he can transfer his blessings across continents through the medium of photographs as well as mobile or internet.
There are many types of diksha which can be given to disciple namely:-
Dear devoteesleaving everything to deity or to luck a person should also try to put in the best of his efforts. It is important to have complete faith in the recitation of Mantras. It is primarily through faith - aided by strong will - that one achieves one's goals. A sound body and calm mind are essential for the chanter of Mantras. Once you are free from all worries and have achieved stability in mind and body, you will derive maximum benefit through the recitation of Mantras. You must have a definite object in view and a strong will power to obtain the desired objective, and then direct that will to achieve the goal. We have all the right to pray and ask for prosperity from our deity. In the end “ WIILL OF GOD ALWAYS PREVAILS”.